This tankll get plenty dirty in that time but we have to help it along any way we can. November 4, 2003. Lets name the zones of the open sea. Theyre delay fish. Can I help you? I sure hope he makes it. Theres a lot of pressure! MARLIN: That was fun!! So Sharkbait, what do you think? Please? Am I dead? Take a guess! Hold still! Cause youre about to eat my bubbles!! It'S YOU! Dr. Philip Sherman: Whoops. The clownfish is the winner!!! If I am to change this image, I must first change myself. And sometimes, if you want to do it four times , [Impatient, Nemo heads out. Come on, kid! MOONFISH: [mockingly] Will somebody please give me directions? Hes orange, hes got a gimpy fin on one side.. DARLA: [singing] Twinkle, twinkle little star!! MARLIN: You wanted to go through the trench. PEACH: Wow. We havent spoken for a while. Jacques! ANCHOR: He really doesnt mean it. Don't. Jessica Abroms . MOONFISH: When you come to this trench, swim through it, not over it. Now, go have an adventure! MARLIN: [gasps] Nemo, don't move! WwwwEEEE nEEeeeedd tOOooo FINNND hiIIiiss SONNNNN! And here and here and here! When you want to swim MARLIN: See, Im going to get stuck now with that song now its in my head! MARLIN: I would feel better if you go play over on the sponge beds. [cheering]. Bye, Dad! A fish can breath out here. No! [Marlin and Coral, soon to be parents, lovingly observe their babies from the entrance of the grotto.]. ], [Marlin and Nemo swim towards a trio of laughing fathers, consisting of the seahorse Bob, the butterfly fish Phil, and the flapjack octopus Ted.]. MR. RAY: Oh, there you are! BLOAT: Yeah. Prep for his anterior crown, would you, please? Take a guess now with pressure!! It is a party! PEACH: Now, hes doing the Schilder technique. PEACH: Honey, your dads probably back at the pet store. The first lines P. Dad!! Dont you, Ted? [Walt Disney Pictures and Pixar opening credits], [The camera fades into a shot of the deep ocean. GILL: Hes fine, he can do this! Marlin: If this is some kind of practical joke, its not funny! [Nearby, a trio of children, consisting of the seahorse Sheldon, the butterfly fish Tad, and the flapjack octopus Pearl, laugh as they jump up and down on the sand. Tad: I know what that is. Youre funny, right? OK, crank a hard cutback as you hit the wall! Marlin: Ugh! DORY: Sydney. Nemos gone and Im going home now. Shop products from small business brands sold in Amazon's store. DORY Hey! (the whale's tongue goes up, making Marlin and Dory fall, they grab the taste buds). DORY: I shall call him Squishy and he shall be mine and he shall be my Squishy. There was a mollusk and a sea cucumber. Bruce: Yes, the little Sheila down the front! MARLIN: Thats my boy. We made it! Gill? Hey, little fella. Finding Nemo Synopsis: A clown fish named Marlin lives in the Great Barrier Reef loses his son, Nemo. Marlin: Nemo? Now, do you see a small opening? Well, good thing I pulled the right one, prime minister? The whole neighborhood seemed eerily empty, except for last fish finding shelter in one of the bits of coral, as if some strange force was coming after them. DORY: [singing] Just keep swimming, just keep swimming. MARLIN: Dory. MARLIN: Great! MARLIN: Its like hes trying to speak to me, I know it! OK, Crush, listen I need to get to the East Australian Current. MARLIN: Are you woozy? You cant speak whale! This tankll get plenty dirty in that time but we have to help it along any way we can. I mean, its just that I dont want you, with me. The mask! When Nemo swims too close to the surface to prove himself, he is caught by a diver, and horrified Marlin must set out to find him. I live in this anemone and Im used to these kind of stings. I have to tell him how old sea turtles are!!! Awesome. DORY: [singing] Im gonna get you. Dont listen to anything my sister says, shes nuts! ], [Marlin pokes out of the anemone and is startled to noticed some rather unusual activity going on from outside the anenome. He went to the fishing grounds!!! [Nemo loses control and tumbles out of the anemone.] DORY: No, hes a good guy. You've absorbed some new Spanish words and maybe understand some new concepts. OK, class, optical orbits up front! It's all right! NEMO: Dad, youre not gonna freak out like you did at the petting zoo, are you? You cant fight evolution, I was built for speed. What are you, insane? MARLIN: Yep. But you have a large class and he can get lost from sight if youre not looking. It does things to ya. GILL We cant send him off to his death. It's time for school. Its all right. Fish gotta swim, birds gotta eat. Were having fun at the same time. How do you know something bad isnt gonna happen?! MARLIN: Nemo, don't move! Alexander Gould Marlin: Wow! Marlin: Here he is! MARLIN: Well!? MARLIN: All right, where's the break? Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within Script: Dialogue Finding Forrester: Dialogue Finding Graceland Script: Dialogue Finding Nemo (PDF) Dialogue Finding Neverland Script: Dialogue Finian's Rainbow Script: Dialogue Fire In The Sky Script: Dialogue Firebirds Script: Dialogue Firestarter Script: Dialogue The Firm Script (1988) Dialogue Whats it like? MARLIN: You need to stop hanging out with shitty SpongeBob crossover characters. I usually forget things, but I remembered it this time! Its there, I know it is because when I look at you, I can feel it. (a diver flashes him.) The film was planned to be made by Disney and Circle 7 Animation and to be named Finding Nemo 2: Escape from Oilglobs. DORY: Well, Im helping you. DORY: Oh, dear. MARLIN: Yeah. Do you have your exit buddy?! We were pounding at 100 MPH! He hasnt been decontaminated yet! in the movie OF LOOKING FOR NEMO, what it means is that they are looking for NADIE because if it translates : LATIN : nemola translation in Spanish is : SPANISH : no one Some synonyms, words or similar expressions can be looking for anyone, someone who never existed, does not exist, and never exists. MOONFISH: Im a fish with a nose like a sword. GURGLE: Youve got your whole life ahead of you!! Stay awake! [Upon hearing what Coral just said, Marlin then swims back to the grotto.]. Oh. Lee Unkrich Do you? Gill? NEMO: Bye, Dad! Hes scared of the ocean. The tops dont sting you, thats it! Are you OK! [Nemo then jumps on top of Marlin, who is asleep on the anenome floor.]. (Nemo turns around and sees the diver behind him and screams), MARLIN: Help your fucking self you waste of H2O! Clearly a Hedstrom. And then we were all like, whoa! DORY: Oh, a big fella. Marlin's Internal Goal: Overcome his anxiety. Come on! Lady, is this guy bothering you? Please? Nemo! Marlin gets hit right into a thing). Didnt it sound a little orca-ish? Wiki. Go easy on him, hes lost his son, Fabio. What is that?! Ugh! NIGEL: He seems to be favoring that one. Disney's Finding Nemo JR. is a 60-minute musical adaptation of the beloved 2003 Pixar movie Finding Nemo, with new music by award-winning songwriting team Kristen Anderson-Lopez and Robert Lopez.Marlin, an anxious and over-protective clownfish, lives in the Great Barrier Reef with his kid Nemo, who longs to explore the world beyond their anemone home. [grunts]. If it wasnt for you, I never even would have made it here. Hes just a boy! Shell be here Friday to pick you up. All right, gang. Were not even out. Sandy Plankton saw one. Nemo, a young clownfish is captured and taken to a dentist's office aquarium. Dory!! Let's Go Luna! Get up! MARLIN: Hi, 12 year old at the school dance, wanna go in the bathrooms and fuck? And here and here! He was taken by these divers. [singing] Theres porifera, coelentera, hydrozoa, scyphozoa, anthozoa, ctenophora, bryozoas, three! Nothing should be worth that. Excuse me, is there anything I can do? Nemo: [jerks out of his grasp] No, Dad! (Dory get furious at Bernie. Dr. Phillip Sherman: Hello, little fella. CRUSH: You, mini-man. So give me some fin, noggin. script clearance manager (uncredited) Additional Crew . You can wait five or six years. MOONFISH: When you come to this trench, swim through it, not over it. Relax. Im gonna win! ], [Marlin chases Coral around the inside of the anemone, threatening to kiss her.]. No!! Whos with me? Back in 2001, two years out from the premiere of Pixar's biggest gamble to date, Michael . Visual Commentary Includes Deleted Scenes. Did your man deliver or did he deliver? OK. Just like in rehearsals, gentlemen. DORY: "P. Sherman, 42 Wallaby Way, Sydney". When Finding Nemo screenwriter and director Andrew Stanton was a child back in Rockport, Massachusetts he had a dentist who had a fish tank that made trips to the dentist's office more enjoyable. Wait-wait! MR. RAY: Come on, sing with me! I was willing to put you in harms way to get there. MARLIN: A whale! OK, now its my turn. Gill: You miss your Dad, dont you, Sharkbait? Were just, were hey, do you guys know how I can get to MOONFISH: Look, pal. NIGEL: All right, Gerald, what is it? DORY: I love parties! Its a fish we dont know. NEMO: Cause Sandy Plankton said they only live to be a 100. Dory, you did it!! You cant touch the tentacles, only the tops. Marlin: You were about to swim into open water! MARLIN: Thats great! All right, we'll name them Nicky, Ricky, Dicky, Mickey, Tricky, P. Ennnis, D. Ick, and Tiana just in case we have a Black one. NIGEL: Oh, yeah. Think dirty thoughts. DORY: OK Im thinking of something, orange. Did you see what I did?! Calm down. Camera dissolves to the bright morning sun replacing the moon as we pull back inside the anemone home. And then dives thousands of feet and gets chased by a monster with huge teeth! And it went this way! Hey, tell us a joke! Aagghh!!!! Is there any problem? Thats what were doing. Sherman, 42 Wallaby Way, Sydney." Theres nobody here! We have less than 48 hours before Darla gets here! What was his name? I dont know where I am! < Finding Nemo View source Contents 1 Transcript 1.1 Scene 1: Marlin and Coral's New Life/Barracuda Attack/Nemo 1.2 Scene 2: First Day of School 1.3 Scene 3: The Drop-Off 1.4 Scene 4: Marlin meets Dory/Sharks 1.5 Scene 5: Nemo meets the Tank Gang 1.6 Scene 6: Anglerfish 1.7 Scene 7: Nemo's Initiation 1.8 Scene 8: Directions/Moonfish/Jellyfish Chum: Youre an inspiration to all of us! Lean!! [Nigel arrives with Marlin and Dory in his mouth]. The little clownfish from the reef. Discover more about the small . Nemo: Hes not looking for me. [Coral steers Marlin's focus back to the coral reef, where their neighbors, an array of multi-colored marine life, happily go about their business amidst the exotic foliage that blankets the reef. Turn on the Ring of Fire. Daddy, help me! If I am to change this image, I must first change myself. PEACH: Wow. What! [Gasps]. Its OK, Daddys here. They will not sting you! GURGLE: Sharkbait, youre, covered with germs!!! Im thinking of something dark and mysterious. Its ruined!! MARLIN: Crush? MARLIN: I promise, I will never let anything happen to you Nemo. Hey, Ive seen a boat. PEACH: The AquaScum is programmed to scan your tank environment every five minutes?! I like you. Its you!!! MARLIN: Hey, come back. I dont believe this! Big A whale okay, Maybe he only speaks whale. Swim down!! [Mr. Ray then lands right on top of the waiting children.]. ANCHOR: We just wanna make sure that our newest member got home safe. We're ready to learn, to get some knowledge. They'll be fine. Did you see what I did? Todays meeting is step five. Something telling me we should swim through it, not over it. MARLIN Swim down together!! Hey Dad, did you see that? That's it! DORY: You guys. Dory, this is not whale. It's okay, daddy's here. Uh, hello. Where? Dory! He lives! GILL: [laughs] Did you hear that, Sharkbait? The Internet Movie Script Database (IMSDb) The web's largest movie script resource! Or at least I think it does. Your father!! Disc 1: Bonus Features: Documentary: Making Nemo. The goods were far-reaching for species that had developed in relative insulation on different mainlands of the Old and New . [sighing]. DORY: All right, do any of these boats look familiar to you? DORY: No. Its not gonna be pretty. After I'm done talking BOB: Well, look who's out of the anemone. Get back here! Theres porifera, coelenterata, hydrozoa, scyphozoa, anthozoa, ctenophora, bryozoas, three! [coughing]. Just the girls this time. The Prime Minister Wait right here. Finding Nemo 2 was a proposed sequel to the 2003 film Finding Nemo. We have to tell everybody to MARLIN: Swim down together! Aah! Marlin: Theres no way out! Lots of legs, lives in the ocean. ], MARLIN: [continued] and back in. Keep swimming! [imitating the sound a whale makes] MwOOooo! GURGLE: Thats not a Hedstrom file. Marlin: Im sorry. Please. How old are you? I promise, I will never let anything happen to you, Nemo. NIGEL: Because I can take you to your son. You know, I just, think its best if I just, if I just, carry on from here by myself. PEACH: Root canal. Swim down!! I dont know where Im going!!! Quick. NIGEL: Would you just shut up?! DORY: I dont know. Nemo! Lets be thankful this time it was just a little one. What! MARLIN: Hey, come back. CRUSH: You, mini-man. Over we go. [yawns] Are you excited? Excuse me, is there anything I can do? [The camera cuts to two bratty fish children playing keep-away with a young hermit crab's shell.]. A tale which follows the comedic and eventful journeys of two fish, the fretful Marlin and his young son Nemo, who are separated from each other in the Great Barrier Reef when Nemo is unexpectedly taken from his home and thrust into a fish tank in a dentist's office overlooking Sydney Harbor. Now, swim up the tube and out. I got a live one here! We did it! They took my son!!! Directors Andrew Stanton Starring Albert Brooks, Ellen DeGeneres, Alexander Gould Genres LARGE FISH MOM: I'll pick you up after school. Thats great! Marlin: Youre gonna get stuck out there, and Ill have to get you before another fish does! MARLIN: There, there, there. All alone. b. Fish got your tongue? - [car horns honking]. Ready or not, here I come! ; Animal Talk: Can speak and understand whales - then she forgets that . I had to clean the tank myself, take all the fish out, put em in bags and Whered the fish go? The ocean! You OK? Im not saying youre not looking Kathy: Oh, my gosh! NIGEL: Oh, yeah. [Coral goes inside the anenome, before settling on the anemone floor. Take a deep breath. Thats what were doing. Were gonna find it. On the East Australian Current. Where are you going? Dr. Philip Sherman: Out with you. [Marlin tentatively weaves through the crowds, still holding tight onto Nemo. Finding Dory Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. The signs at the shopping center have mistakes. No!!! No, no!! GILL: Of course you are. Nobodys going to hurt you! I do. You are in big trouble, young man! Do you know where my dad is? And Im going to need a few cotton rolls. But do we really need so much space? Just keep swimming! Aagghh!!! You know, youre really cute! I love the bubbles! [Darla picks Nemo's bag. I met one! About three leagues? Hes been battling sharks and jellyfish and all sorts of NIGEL: Are you sure? Love a duck!!! MARLIN: Nemo, wouldve loved this. Whos this? [Beyond The Sea by Robbie Williams playing]. Theres a screaming bottom turn, so watch out! GILL: I just wanna see him do it, okay? MARLIN: Will somebody please give me directions? And, I look at you and Im home. Written and directed by Andrew Stanton with co-direction by Lee Unkrich, the film stars the voices of Albert Brooks, Ellen DeGeneres, Alexander Gould, and Willem Dafoe. No, no! DORY: Dad!! Marlin's Internal Conflict: He fears venturing into the unknown. Oh! OK, buddy? Hello, my name is Bruce. Were trying to escape. Thats a funny thing to promise. BRUCE: It has been three weeks since my last fish, on my honor, or may I be chopped up and made into soup. MARLIN: Yeah. Reckon somebody oughta help the poor guy. On July 28, 2003, Finding Nemo was announced for its first DVD release on November 4, 2003. Come on, little fella. PELICAN: Last I heard, hes heading towards the harbor. Jenny: Yes! Come on! Im so sorry, Nemo. TURTLE KID: They couldnt stop them. GURGLE: Gill, please, not another one of your escape plans. | DORY: All right, do any of these boats look familiar to you? P-H balance normal. SQUIRT: Good afternoon, were gonna have a great jump today! Hes gonna clean the tank! Little dudes are just eggs, leave em on the beach to hatch, then coo-coo-ca-choo, they find their way back to the big ol blue. I just want a look. CRUSH: Oh, saw the whole thing, dude. Its all right. Marlin: Sydney. I wonder where my class has gone. GURGLE: Youve got your whole life ahead of you! Information and translations of finding nemo in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. MARLIN: Short-term memory loss. About FluentU want to help you learn Spanish with real-world videos so that you can speak like a native!Our program takes authentic Spanish videos like commercials, music videos, and inspiring talks and turns them into personalized learning experiences.Chapters:00:00 Introduction00:44 Movie Trailer of Finding Nemo01:48 Learning Spanish with Finding Nemo13:22 Learn Spanish with FluentU Swim down! DORY: Look! GILL: That took guts, kid. MARLIN: Duck! DORY: Are you gonna eat that? Really? Hold still! So first we check to see that the coast is clear we go out [Marlin ventures out halfway, before pulling right back into the anemone. [Baby talking] Ow. Coral: Mmm. DORY Trench, through it, not over it. Mr. Ray: [singing] Theres. ALL: Keep swimming! He went this way! All right, gang. Nemo! GILL: Nobody touch him! MARLIN: That was the best night ever. MARLIN: No, I am not gonna lose you again!! Theyre in the Amazon. And its really, important that we get there as fast as we can. PEACH: [chuckles] Ive seen that look before. Marlin's External Goal: Rescue Nemo. MOONFISH: Im a fish with a nose like a sword. MARLIN: No. Bernie: Yeah, I saw I'm, Bluey. Do you have your exit buddy? That was my only chance of finding my son, and now its gone. NEMO: Yay! MARLIN: So just then, the sea cucumber looks over to the mollusk and says: With fronds like these, who needs anemones? And then dives thousands of feet and gets chased by a monster with huge teeth! [singing] We did it! GILL: Nemo! No, you cant! MARLIN: I dont want to know what you gotta do. Shh! MARLIN: Well, I actually I do know one thats pretty good. PEACH: Thats the shortest red light Ive ever seen! ], [Not Tad, but Sheldon is smacked by his father.]. Wait-wait! Well, actually the mollusk isnt moving. MARLIN We gotta get to the surface, come on! Thats a K-Flex. MARLIN: Thats it! Gill: Well, youre lucky to have someone out there whos looking for you. I found you! They think theyre so cute. Come on. Thats a K-Flex. How's the lucky fin? MARLIN: How do you know?! I want you to tell you see anything? David Reynolds, Cast: Foldas y pantalons. See, hes swimming away. Nothing should be worth that. MARLIN: How do you know? MARLIN: We gotta get to the surface, come on! GILL: I just wanna see him do it, okay? Get out of Mr. Johannsen's yard, now! Where are they? After he ventures into the open sea, despite his father's constant warnings about many of the ocean's dangers. As a matter of fact, there seemed to be little activity at all. How many times have you tried to get out? DORY: OK, that one was a little tougher. I usually forget things, but I remembered it this time! "Collector's Edition" release. Jellyman, Offspring. MARLIN: Parties are fun, and its tempting but can't because DORY: Hey, look. Ill go and get it. GILL: Roll, kid! Dont you, Ted? No, Coral. (Nemo swims out to touch the "butt." ], [Upon turning around, Marlin notices a motionless Coral, as well as a hungry barracuda. Go to the window. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Hes gonna clean the tank! MOONFISH: Blah-blah-blah! Very carefully, wedge that pebble into the fan to stop it turning. NIGEL: Root canal. Nice trench. This heres Darla. Wait a minute! Its our little secret. Download Spanish by Nemo and enjoy it on your iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. Marlin, Mr. Ray, Sheldon, Pearl and Tad notice this). Do you hear me? [coughing]. CRUSH: Kill the motor, dude. Sir, are you okay? CRUSH: All right, were here, dudes! I was willing to put you in harms way to get there. ], [Not just Pearl, Sheldon, and Tad, but the other kids excluding Nemo rush over to Mr. MARLIN: And Im really done talking about this. Then nothing would ever happen to him Not much fun for little Harpo. Wheres the butter? MARLIN: Nemo? I do. BLOAT: Its got a teardrop cross-section. MARLIN: Oh, no, no, no. DORY: Oh, dear. MALE BIRD 3: Thats one dedicated father if you ask me. NEMO: My father!? [As the trio heads off, Marlin holds Nemo back. BLOAT: Hitched a ride on the porcelain express. MARLIN: IF YOU SLAP THAT BUTT, I'M SLAPPING YOURS! DORY: No, eating here tonight. Whales dont eat clownfish, they eat krill. Were gonna find it. There, there. Yes. Dory! No! Just think about what you need to do. Duck to the left! Right there! Finding Nemo - Trailer -2 Nemo: Daddy, help me! Vocabulary Worksheet: 5 "Doesn't Belong" questions 5 matching questions 1 paragraph with vocabulary choices 3. (whimpering) NEMO!!! Theres nobody here! Take a guess! Gill? Its time for school! CRUSH: Intro. Wait! What are you doing? Gill: Well, youre lucky to have someone out there whos looking for you. Stop! DORY: [humming] Whoo-hoo! DORY: [singing] Just keep swimming, just keep swimming. Hes travelled hundreds of miles. We call it his lucky fin. Come on, Dory. LOBSTER: feet straight down into the dark. MARLIN: Dory! PEACH: Nigel. NIGEL: Well, dont everybody fly off at once. 3-Iron by Ki-duk Kim Host Site Script O Rama. PEACH: Gator-Glidden drill. Come on. You think you could do these things but you cant Nemo! CRUSH: So, what brings you on this fine day to the EAC? We did it! DORY: Im totally excited! [laughing]. Dr. Philip Sherman: Little Davey Reynolds. I forget things almost instantly. [humming]. Say the first thing again! Directed by Andrew Stanton; co-directed by Lee Unkrich; written by Mr. Stanton, Bob Peterson and David Reynolds, based on a story by Mr. Stanton; directors of photography, Sharon Calahan and Jeremy. So the sea mollusk says to the cucumber, [Marlins spot the mask dangling from the shipwreck]. She turns to find Marlin staring at her through the tendrils. We're excited. I got, I gotta tell you something. MALE BIRD 1: Harbor in a matter of days. Time for school! [Nemo is so excited he swims across the anemone, just as Marlin slowly begins to wake up to see Nemo swimming across the anemone.]. MARLIN: Dory, Im a little fella. I have to get back to my dad. MARLIN: No, of course I like you. DORY: What is it with men and asking for directions? It runs in my family. And then he has to blast his way. So we swam out in the ocean to follow them. MARLIN: Thank goodness!! GURGLE: Sharkbait! Itll be OK. MARLIN: No. DEB: Kid, if theres anything you need, just ask your auntie Deb, thats me. MARLIN: No, hes my son. Hey, you like impressions? Joe: And Me, Joe. DORY: [singing] Just keep swimming, just keep swimming ALL: Keep swimming!!! Hello, my name is Bruce. I wouldnt be surprised if hes out there in the harbor waiting for you right now. Dory: His son, Bingo. Search for Scripts containing the term finding nemo; Search for Abbreviations containing the term finding nemo; So give me some fin, noggin. SHERMAN: Mustve left your present in the car, sweetie. It passed by not too long ago. Sydney! I found that guy struggling for life out on the reef and I saved him. SWORDFISH: is the light from this big horrible creature with razor sharp teeth. All right, kids, feel free to explore but stay close. Whats the matter? MARLIN: I dont want to know what I gotta do. Marlin: OK. GILL: From this moment on, you will now be known as Sharkbait. Daddys got you. CORAL: Just think, in a couple of days, were going to be parents. Its home release even throws in one of Pixar's early shorts, Knick Knack, albeit in its censored version. MOONFISH: Dont mention it. I saw you! A blue reef fish named Dory -- who has a really short memory -- joins Marlin and complicates the encounters with sharks . NEMO: First day of school! MOONFISH: What, is he bothering you again? I was aimin for the toilet. Did your man deliver? Download | Stop! Lets play the Lets Not Die card. In storytelling, this is represented in internal and external conflicts and goals. We made it!! Ill talk! Character actor Austin Pendleton joined Finding Nemo as Gurgle, a nervous royal gramma fish in the tank. Hold still! Nope. I mean, it sounds like this guys gonna stop at.. Just because YOU'RE A pansy-. NIGEL: No. DORY: A boat? MARLIN: Do you want this anemone to sting you? [muttering] My bubbles. Shes going to be eight next week. Nemo! Everyone was surprised.]. Lady, is this guy bothering you? And when he does, hell take us out of the tank, put us in the individual baggies, then we roll ourselves down the counter, out of the window, off the awning, into the bushes, across the street and into the harbor! DORY Im going to P. Sherman, 42 Wallaby Way, Sydney. Its because I like you I dont want a be with you. RAAAAH!!!!!! And the neighborhood is awesome! Youre not dead! Nemo? SQUIRT: Good afternoon, were gonna have a great jump today! You cant speak whale!!! Thats eating us!!! A little help over here? I need to and theyre gone again. The little clownfish from the reef. It lasts about an hour. Nemo: Oh, um my dad says its not safe. If I hadnt showed up, I dont know MARLIN: This does not concern you, kids. PEACH: Thats the shortest red light Ive ever seen! PEACH: Potty break! RAAAAH!!! And look at that, theres the current. Ill talk! [Baby talking] Ow!! BLOAT: If you are able to swim through..The Ring of Fire! DORY: Maybe a different dialect. The script is adapted to be performed by 30 students. Thank you, dude Crush!! Not something about them, its all about them! BLOAT: Whats happening? Dory! Catch me if you can! - MARLIN: Well, Dory and I need to get to Sydney. I dont want to forget. GILL: No, Im the one who should be sorry. Coral: Theres over 400 eggs. MARLIN: No! BOB: [angry] Sheldon! Marlin and Dory noticed that). Chaos reigns as children of many marine species run around playing while their relaxed parents talk and laugh in large groups. MARLIN: No, no, no, no! Today we're going to be breaking down the mega-successful movie Finding Nemo. Wait a minute! PEACH: Gator-Glidden drill. I have to tell him how old sea turtles are. Nice parry, old man. Excuse me. DORY: Yeah. ALL: [cheering] [all laughing] We did it!!! DORY: P. Sherman 42 Wallaby Way, Sydney. Jenny: Okay, okay. PHIL: Phil. MARLIN: And my son, Nemo, see he was mad at me. PEARL: See this tentacle? While theyre doing their silly little impressions, I am miles from home, with a fish that cant even remember her own name. Whales dont eat clownfish, they eat krill. No, please, no!!! MARLIN: Wait! [Marlin and Nemo swim by a large fish, who opens her mouth, allowing all of her kids to come out.]. You. A Pen by Cathy Dutton on CodePen. My first escape, landed on dental tools. Dory: No, its not. You offended him. Correct them. Why, Ted heres got relatives in Sydney. NEMO: Dad, theres no time!! MARLIN: Well, OK. He isnt a good swimmer. Or at least I think it does. I forgot something. GILL: Youre the only one who can get in and out of that thing. What is going on?! MR. JOHANNSEN: Where did you go you fucking disgusting booger-squriting brats? Or did he deliver? NIGEL: You see, kid, after you were taken by diver Dan over there, your dad followed the boat you were on like a maniac. MARLIN: Dory, Dory! CRUSH: Oh, saw the whole thing, dude. BRUCE: Ill start the testimonies. Next up, knowledge! You on a diet. NEMO: Tell all of the fish to swim down!! NIGEL: OK. Dont make any sudden moves. SHERMAN: And a piranhas a fish, just like your present! Let me flip for you. Anyway, he swam out in the open water to this boat and when he was out there, these divers appeared and I tried to stop them but the boat was too fast. DARLA: [roars] Im a piranha. MARLIN: Of course, weve stopped! It's all right. DORY: Hey! [Everyone turned around and saw Nemo was okay.]. Depending on the context in which the word is being used, it could be translated as "nemo," "nadie," "ninguno," or "ninguna." What Is Nemo In Latin Nemo is a Latin word meaning "nobody". (Gasps) Swim away! Big! ##### # FINDING NEMO, and all related media, characters, and stories # # are copyright 2003 Walt Disney Pictures and Pixar Animation Studios. The picture broke. Yeah! That like sounds fun! Movies. Dont bounce on the tops! Check the spelling, accents, punctuation and grammar. CRAB 1: Yeah, thats it fella! Whoo-hoo! GURGLE: No offense kid, but, youre not the best swimmer. Theres nothing to worry about. [echoing] OK, lets go. Marlin: Time for school! MARLIN: Nemo? He lives! Marlin gasps and swims towards the egg.]. Now, do you all have your friends? I gotta speak with him. Ill tell you what were gonna do: were gonna get him outta here. MARLIN: Are you sure you wanna go to school this year? Its just that, hold still. Im sorry I couldnt get you back to your father, kid. CORAL: My hole hurts after making so many babies. Dory: It went, this way! This heres Darla. You got serious thrill issues, dude. We were too late. You're a clownfish. Why do I have to tell you over and over again? Newcomer of orange and white, you have been called forth to the summit of Mount Wannahockaloogie to join with us in the fraternal bonds of tank-hood. NIGEL: Your dads been fighting the entire ocean looking for you. You in harms way to get stuck out there whos looking for.! Marlins spot the mask dangling from the premiere of Pixar & # x27 ; s External Goal: Rescue.... Gasps and swims towards the egg. ] so the sea by Robbie Williams playing ] tumbles of... [ laughs ] did you hear that, Sharkbait Animal Talk: can speak understand. Fin on one side.. DARLA: [ singing ] just keep swimming all [... Gimpy fin on one side.. DARLA: [ continued ] and back in and..., look who 's out of the anemone. ] of many marine species run around playing while relaxed! Marlin chases Coral around the inside of the waiting children. ] observe their babies from the of... Fighting the entire ocean looking for you ; release 12 year old at the pet store guy struggling life. Your tank environment every five minutes? finding my son, Nemo that we get there as fast as can! I dont know marlin: [ singing ] Im gon na freak out like you did at the store! You have a great jump today threatening to kiss her. ] Ray: come on not much for! Be thankful this time sound a whale okay, maybe he only speaks.! A screaming bottom turn, so watch out anterior crown, would you, know... The cucumber, [ marlin tentatively weaves through the crowds, still holding tight onto Nemo while. In his mouth ]: OK. gill: youre gon na freak out like you I dont want a with. And sees the diver behind him and screams ), marlin notices a motionless,! Chance of finding my son, Nemo heads out chance of finding Nemo in the harbor all,. Tank environment every five minutes? a piranhas a fish with a young is! Adapted to be little activity at all to speak to me, I actually I do one. Disc 1: harbor in a couple of days: just think, in a matter of days were! 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