Heat up 1 grapefruit and eat its pulp. 1 teasppon = 5 ml. "Hydroxychloroquine is a completely different chemical substance to quinine," Alan Armstrong, Professor of Organic Synthesis at Imperial College London, told Reuters. for flu. The USDA reports that a small grapefruit (about 200 grams) contains 278 milligrams of potassium. Hi, Paula! in this guide to herbal meds he gives a table indicating suggested safe doses. Even a good splash of white cleaning vinegar & some baking soda, a little soak and then gently scrub the fruit with a brush all helps. I would suggest that if you are a newbie you can start with one tablespoon of quinine per 1/2 gallon of water in a pan and boil it down. The other thing you can do to get a little more quinine is to throw in some crushed ice and boil it down. Add about 2.5 litres You take a large saucepan and add about 2.5 litres of filtered water. Take the peel only and cover it with water about 3 inches above the peels. Take 2 large grapefruit and chop into small segments. Organic ones are either too expensive/not available. There are a few other things you can do, however. TAKE THE PEEL ONLY AND COVER IT WITH WATER ABOUT 3 INCHES ABOVE THE PEELS.PUT A GLASS LID ON YOUR POT IF YOU HAVE ONE, A METAL ONE IS FINE IF YOU DON'T. Thank you, Steve! Quinine is one of the oldest and best natural treatments for malaria. Ive done this for over a year now . Not liking to use much sugar, I decided to go ahead with the exercise anyway. Whatever you are taking, but it in at least half, or even more in necessary. I add a fair amount of Indian Tonic Water to it, but I can imagine most children would turn their nose up at that! Combine all ingredients except rich simple syrup in a sterilized, one-quart lidded glass jar. This is more of a question than a recipe, but if you want to make a lot of quinine, you need to make sure youre drinking enough quinine. along with this of-course, is prayer and the faith for health that was bought for us 2,000 odd years ago. Oh, yeah, and probably for the 'need' for a patentable drug with a higher profit margin. With a natural release ? Hi Marilyn Are You Sleeping in Scary, Toxic Contaminated Air? All tomatoes are good sources of quercetin. Good thinking! Here is all you need to do to make your very own quinine: Take the rind of 2-3 lemons, or 2-3 grapefruits. Im very in tune to those who are j/ab/bed bc my skin reacts within minutes. Simmer, covered, for 25 minutes. It would be really great if you would forgive me and come back with what you find works. . But before we get into the highest natural sources of quinine, lets see what quinine really is. Its pretty strong. Apart from the added sugar it should be pretty good for you to have on occasion. With no idea if it would work or not, but I thought what the heck, heres for trying! If you ever feel a chest cold coming on or just feel like crap.make your own Quinine. I dont know what the heck it is other than, its NOT good whats in the vial!! Any suggestions? Experts told USA TODAY that hydroxychloroquine, which is made in labs,. Sure easier than making our own. The amount of quinine in any food is strictly regulated by the Food & Drug Administration. Much health to you! I caught shedding from my nail technician the same day she had a 2nd booster from the jab and she also had a nasty flu shot the same day. From foodnetwork.com See details GRAPEFRUIT AND LEMON PEEL BENEFITS - ALL INFORMATION ABOUT . 7 Natural Alternatives for Hydroxychloroquine, https://www.mynaturaltreatment.com/strengthen-the-respiratory-tract/. Any food containing the ingredient can have no more than 83 parts per million of quinine, which is considered generally safe for consumption. I would add it to Indian Tonic Water (made with a little sugar only) to make it palatable. Much health to you! Great info Becky! Here is all you need to do to make your very own quinine: Take the rind of 2-3 already washed organic grapefruits and 2-3 organic lemons. ?? I cannot see why not. I only like to eat grapefruit after baking it with a little honey. We can. 18. I hope it maintains the healing powers. Grapefruit seed extract is claimed to treat virtually every infection. I dont think I would rely on it for myself. Remove from heat and pass through a fine strainer lined with muslin or cheesecloth into a bowl. I read a lot of homemade quinine recipes that suggest no longer than 2 weeks in the fridge before they go bad. Thank you for sharing that info with our readers. Hi Clay! "How to make natural hydroxychloroquine naturally with ease," the title of the video reads. You take a large saucepan and add about 2.5 litres of filtered water. Then rub the mixture onto your abdomen to aid digestion. I add enough Tonic Water to make it palatable to me Im sure it doesnt matter how much. So do protect yourselves, keep a distance, ride this wave with prayers and educate family and friends to NOT get it/them!! You should not use this information to diagnose or treat any health problems or illnesses without consulting a pediatrician or your family doctor. I dont believe there is an exact dosage. I would love to try this but am apprehensive because of stating drugs and grapefruit. My first batch of quinine also gradually had the residue on the bottom. Its something I thought I should do At the moment we buy a good quality Tonic Water as I find the cheap ones use ingredients Im not so happy with. Thank you for this post, instructions is much more clearer than what I had. Of-course the jar would have to have plenty of head space or the jar will crack. 2 grams Ceylon soft-stick cinnamon, broken by hand into small pieces 30 grams lemon peel, peeled with a vegetable peeler 30 grams grapefruit peel, peeled with a vegetable peeler 400 grams sugar 500 milliliters water To make the tincture: Dissolve the powdered cinchona bark in the vodka. What wonderful information! I dont take it all the time anymore but if Im in a situation where huggy jabbed relatives throw their arms around me I may start taking it for a few days. She drank this potion a number of times a day and became well again in no time. "There is a small. Its very powerful and doesnt involve making a tea. Personally, I dont recommend Indian tonic water as a natural treatment for fever. Your email address will not be published. Long live the People. Hi Cindy! A better way is to make sure your immune system is in tip-top condition as it will protect you form anything going on. Are we supposed to just heat the peal and not the fruit of the grapefruit and lemons? 14. LET IT SIMMER FOR ABOUT 2 HOURS. All quotes delayed a minimum of 15 minutes. Has anyone tried 3 rinds grapefruit, 3 rinds lemon, squeeze out the juice , top off with distilled water and pressure cook for maybe 30 min. There is a lot of content on this site, and that can be overwhelming, so we've written up a guide to help get you started! Yes, you can use regular quinine water, the higher the quinine content the better. you shine. Salut, Mika! We take this every day and its just a matter of adding a few drops etc. Would this work with just lemons and/or citrus fruits? 2. You can buy the book online. Cathy. Hi Susan and thank you so much for your feedback! Grapefruit is a fruit that comes in two different varieties, green and yellow. Im not really into jam making but simply added sufficient sugar and boiled it until it gelled. We can all learn from each other and readers sometimes add some very valuable info. Im so proud of you going the extra mile! Much health to you! The essential oils in pomelo peel have antimicrobial and antibacterial properties, and is especially effective against strep bacteria, which is why it have been traditionally used in parts of South Asia to soothe a cough or a sore throat. Add all the peels Add in all the skins. Yes my husband has Altzeimers, I have arthritis in knees and fingers and neck, other than that we are healthy. This is because it destroys the benefits of the honey. In other words, quinine is one of the natural alternatives to hydroxychloroquine. 7. I keep out a certain amount in the fridge, but the rest I freeze in ice cube trays. Sweeten with date syrup, raw honey, or coconut sugar to taste and your tonic water is done. So we couldnt find organic I know you said it stores toxics but is it still ok to use? Refrigerate 72 hours, shaking occasionally, at least once per day. HE KNOWS THAT THEY HAVE WITHHELD THESE CURES TO KEEP PEOPLE SICK AND TO MAKE MILLIONS OFF OF INSURANCE COMPANIES. 9270 River Club Parkway The tree bark is harvested in autumn from trees that are at least 6 years old. Thank you, another said. 7. Thank you very much for your kind words, you are never alone!? I cannot believe that somehow I missed answering this post. IF YOU EVER FEEL A CHEST COLD COMING ON OR JUST FEEL LIKE CRAPMAKE YOUR OWN QUININE. But the recipe is made-up. Can ths drink be frozen in the jar? HERE IS ALL YOU NEED TO DO TO MAKE YOUR VERY OWN QUININE..TAKE THE RIND OF 2-3 LEMONS, 2-3 GRAPEFRUITS. It felt like my insides were on fire. True information is empowering, and this is what we aim to do here. Have about the same, but many more times a day. Because there is quite a lot of Quinine, Im thinking I may freeze it as Im not too sure if it will stay good for as long as it takes to use it up. Add it after you have made up the batch, not during. The process of cutting out the grapefruit and peeling the grapefruit and lemon makes for a very smooth and smooth cocktail. Hi Kasey, The bitter substances in grapefruit have quinine-like effects, so I personally believe that any grapefruit intake can help, but I cannot say how much to use to make the tea. I knew exactly when the time had come to throw the rest away. That doesnt mean we cant make good wine that way. Conclusion. How much hqc to tonic water? No reason why you couldnt do it with the grapefruit as well. The antiseptic properties of grapefruit peel can be used on cuts or scrapes. Making quinine water from grapefruit rind Peel 3 grapefruits and using only the peel, cover it with filtered water about 3 inches above the rind. Im really not certain. However if lemons do not contain Q, why are lemons included in the mix with grapefruit? Dr. Betty Martini, D.Hum, Founder I feel it! Either way, they dont lose the essential oils in them for future use. It is a very difficult time to be a woman in the United States. Keep a positive mind. So when you think quinine, think bitter. I would do one of two things make a smaller batch or freeze the 2nd half of it. Learned the hard way. Yes, even organic fruits need a good wash. You can also put them in a sink filled with water and pour apple cider vinegar or baking soda and leave them to stay for a few minutes, then rinse well and you can use them. In my case there are two of us at the moment, using 15ml each per day. Im glad I could help, much health to you! Thank you for this article. ??? Its a good point. How To Make Quinine Water (COVID Prophylactic) | Principia Scientific Intl. https://tidd.ly/3litatr. Let me know how you get on. Mike Adams Health Ranger has suggested adding 10% vodka to liquid extracts to help preservation, avoid going off. Hi Doug! Simmer and cook In other words, you need to boil the grapefruit, remove the seeds and pits, and then boil the fruit down to the liquid level and strain out the solids. I made mine in a crockpot and let it slow cook on low for 8 hours. Sorry if its not clear to you. I must subscribe and get all the priceless info from you (and your readers too). Now I dont know if its necessary to pull out the pith. After extensively researching this topic, we have come to the conclusion that quinine in grapefruit exists. In my first batch I began to take 2 15mls spoon fulls. Very good point Jim! Hello Jennifer! Great info! LET IT SIMMER FOR ABOUT 2 HOURS. Unfortunately with the meds I am on, Im unable to have grapefruit. I make my HCQ with 3 grapefruit peelings and 3 lemon peelings in a crock pot, covered in pure Prill water. I hope I helped, much health to you! The Jesuit missionaries discovered the antimalarial properties of quinine in the 17th century and prepared the drug, which was then called the bark of the Jesuits. Studies have shown that its successor chloroquine, respectively hydroxychloroquine can have great results against malaria. it is a good guide. Work at it. Bring to a boil, reduce the heat and simmer on low, covered for 30 minutes. lemon peel and store it in big jar. Ive seen people boiling the skin of grapefruits and lemons to release quinine. This is why the tonic water recipe makes use of cubed citrus peels because they release their essential oils into the tonic water. You can either continue shopping, or checkout now if you'd like. Ive been around those who had it over 4 months be near me and BAM! Thank you for your input. Once dried, the bark is ground and used in the preparation of tinctures, dry extracts, decoctions, and medicinal wine. We eat organic 90% of the time. Hi! I would recommend taking Chlorine Dioxide on a daily basis as its also very cheap but powerful. I make my drinks using 15ml plus added Tonic Water to make it palatable. Then I threw it out. Hi! Reduce heat . (here) There are also dangers associated with attempts to produce such drugs outside laboratories. Strain, cool, and refrigerate. Do you think that will hinder the outcome? It has long, elliptical leaves, reddish on the inside, and bright pink flowers. If you found any of our articles helpful, you can support us with a small donation: 2021 - My Natural Treatment. Ive only just bought one as it turns out so am planning to try it. (here). The longer Im exposed, the worse I feel! May I be clear though? It sounds like you have found your way on how to take it. Im sorry, I cant tell you who originally came up with the recipe, but I can tell you of people who have first hand knowledge of it working for them. It is here that all his earlier years of searching the Scriptures began to come into clear focus. Is there any way to preserve/can these remedies for long term supplication if needed? But really, the taste is really good. Reduce heat to medium-low and cook for 45 minutes. If it didnt the pot would blow up. Much health to you, Monika! 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